16 January 2012

love and light

beautiful quote from Martin Luther King Jr. 
I saw this quote this morning on facebook. I decided to quick design a little something for my studio page. I have been reading this off and on all day and I must say ~ I love this.

I was taught as a little girl to never ever use the word "hate". To this day I do not use that word. Actions can show this so strongly ~ I too try to never cross that line.

As I get older there are fewer things to not like. I tend to focus on the simple things like, waking up, going for a walk, having the people and dogs I adore healthy, being able to create for a living, still being able to learn learn learn.

I do think that love illuminates us ~ we shine brighter and share more. Just a little reflection on a most serious study of human nature.

Designs by 730 thursday here http://www.facebook.com/730Thursday

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