01 February 2012

she believed she could.

things I adore vintage picture of me, textures, strength and believing in me.

random pieces of design from my little studio.
Today I start the path of remembering one of my favorite statements. Any given moment can change your life. Yes, that is it. Without getting too personal I had my life change nine years ago and several times since. Tomorrow I will be reminded of this when I go in for my check up to see how I am.
Life is so fragile (I get it really I do).

One constant sane thing in my world is my art and design. These things can always take me out of my own world and into nothing but, creating.

I need to me more grateful for these gifts. I also want to make the statement, any given moment can change your life matter more.

Think about how many things in our lives really matter that often are overlooked. Take one new thing today and make it brighter, more fun, give it some of you. I know I will be, right after my test.


  1. Thinking of you, Kelli and hoping everything goes smoothly with your check up. I hope you get a great report from your test. Hugs heading your way! :)

  2. Nine years. I knew and know there will be so many more. I will send my thoughts your way, as well. Cheers to a
    good report.
