13 March 2012

signs telling me so.

grass, trees, water, beauty. nature in its finest.
I have been reflecting much lately. Sending energy out and creating the move to sunny ocean loving Florida state. Of course, we have to sell our house. More good energy needed. I learned today that many of the things I adore around me in my current state of Minnesota ~ I am allergic to. Yes, grass, pollen, molds on leafs and ragweed. Okay, ragweed sounds like everyone should be allergic to it.

I am looking at this new knowledge as yet another sign to move. Create a new environment a life by the ocean (always a dream for me).

For today I am most grateful for each big and little sign that helps me know I am on the right path.

1 comment:

  1. Love it : ) It feels so wonderful to receive those signs, doesn't it? Surely makes the decision and path easier.
