12 November 2014

living life, being an artist, graphic designer + lover of life

always a journey to celebrate me = all of me daily

my nature is really to be silly, goofy and fun

lucky to be featured with Stampington Art of Journaling - and have the cover wow.
Tonight I am thinking about what it means to live your entire life as an artist, designer. I have been living this art filled life since I was very little (5 years old) I can still remember the joy in getting a new box of crayons and paper, coloring books. I escape into my own world. I feel very lucky to know my path. There is no searching for me about what is my passion, what makes me tick. I have such very big dreams. I keep marching to them. I get to the top of the mountains, really tall big mountains and I feel proud.

My biggest dream that I have yet to say out loud (on my blog) socially is that I want to be found in a big way. My soul has a calling to be known for spreading joy and happy living. I need this in my world. I create, create, create and send it into the world. I am going to go after the big dream of licensing my art. I have so many ideas, styles, layers to my art I could create a zillion lines. I just need to be seen. Being seen is all apart of really loving and celebrating yourself.

Today is the day to start celebrating myself as much as I celebrate others. Moving this next mountain. Building packages, making calls, praying and setting this intention. Today I will create a new alter around this intention. I feel good just saying this out loud.

Thanks for being part of my life = to all of you who are so good to me. Dream Big then Dream Bigger!!


  1. Kelli, I'm in the same bucket with you! Let's send each other lovely thoughts of champagne cork popping joy! I feel you are so close.

  2. All your dreams will come true...knowing what you're aiming at is the biggest part of making dreams reality...you are giving your dreams voice and following up with all the action it takes...love you bunches sweet, brave, amazing woman
