21 March 2017

Testimonials helping me see myself. Grateful to Tracy Verdugo.

Tracy Verdugo - Take a class with this brilliant artist. 

St. Pete Beach Florida - Tracy's class I attended.
pure love = Tracy Verdugo

the beach gave so much beauty.

sunshine and art perfect combination

amen. i do this daily.

Several years ago now I took a painting class in St. Pete Beach Florida taught by the talented crazy beautiful soulful Tracy Verdugo. This class has changed me to be a better artist. I am most grateful.
I have been working this year on going for everything I can. I want to be a big licensed artist, I want to travel and teach and I want to get my art in the mainstream. In order to do this I must work steady and hard to share more of me. I also was told that testimonials help. So I continue to open up my fears and bust through them. Tracy has become a dear friend of mine, I am silly grateful. I asked Tracy if she could possibly write a testimonial for me. This is what she wrote. I was left reading this and thinking WOW how beyond loving is this.

Here are the words my crazy talented friend shared about me. Thank you again Tracy. I love you with my whole heart.

From the moment I met Kelli Jean May-Krenz I knew that the gifts she brings to

the world go far beyond the ordinary. Her capacity to create beauty from every

thing she touches stems from, I believe, her natural inclination to find beauty in

everything she sees. I have had the pleasure of calling this gorgeous woman/

artist/teacher and dreamer friend for several years now and I am always grateful

for her sweet presence in my world.

If ever you have the chance to meet or take part in one of her classes do not

hesitate. She will shift your world as she has mine.
-Tracy Verdugo


17 March 2017

Seeing myself through others eyes. Grateful.

me 2017

I have been working on some really big projects that will put me out into this big world. I am creating like crazy. I am doing it! I am going for it! I am not listening to any internal voices that shine doubt on me or my art! NOPE! Done with that crap! I am pushing through any self doubt or fears. This is my year to SHINE like I know that I was meant to.

I know that I have needed to ask a few friends, clients, people I admire so very much for testimonials on ME. What a hard thing for me to do ~ ask for help. I am great at helping but, asking wow there was a great deal of fear around this for me. I did it anyway. I asked.

This is one of the testimonials I received. I was so set back by his words, I read and read again. Then I looked in the mirror and thought - wow am I blessed. Crazy blessed to be this beloved.

Reading this still chokes me up. I am grateful to see myself through a few others eyes.

Testimonial by Jeff Arundel.

"I first met Kelli when a group gathered to help a friend of ours who had cancer - we were putting
on a fund-raiser, and various things were needed, including invitations and other design stuff.
Kelli (who was helping even though she didn’t even really know the person) passed out some
mock-ups. Being kind-of snobby when it comes to design, I was prepared to see some typical work
that had been pasted together, but when the designs made their way around the table to me, I saw
some of the most breath-taking, detailed, handcrafted work I had ever come across! My head
snapped up and I peered down the table, wondering ”who is this Kelli May”? At the other end sat
a tiny blonde, shyly offering her lovely work to the room (and helping a person she didn’t really know).

Once you get to know Kelli, the breadth of her talent can dumbfound you. With me, she has designed
a comprehensive line of kids clothing, hand-drawn various record jackets, painted, toted our her
sewing machine and sewn draperies and cushions, and in general brought the world-class twinkle of
natural greatness to everything she has worked on. And besides that, she paints in a signature style,
and writes, and dresses using vintage stuff. I know, it sounds like I’m making it up, but I’m not.
Kelli is a tiny Whirling Dervish of creativity, and she is gathering momentum as she careens forward
into new creations. How could one little person be so good at so much?”
~ Jeff Arundel    jeffarundel.com

Seriously, how lucky am I. The path to believing in yourself is out there. Seek it! Follow it and never ever give up!!!


01 March 2017

becoming more of me 2017

little me. i had a pixie haircut until i was 18. 

she believed she could so she did! I believe I can. 

2011 Paris France. I have such a connection to this city.

2017 changing all of my comfort zones.

March 1st seems like a perfect time to blog about ME. I have been thinking lots about what makes me - ME. I will share this with you I have suffered from anxiety and depression my entire life. Mainly anxiety and lack of self esteem. SHOCKED? Nope it is true. I work daily at filling myself up and practicing positive living. It is not easy. I might make it look easy but, I promise you it is not.
I am blessed with a knowing that my creating, my art is how I am meant to live my life. My art is truly my escape and my therapy.

Three years ago I made the choice to back out of my corporate freelance with graphic design and illustration. I have owned my studio for 25 years. I had really steady lovely clients. I made the decision to sell the home I had lived in for 17 years, sell most everything I could and move across the country with my hubby and Pearl Button. We did it!!! We moved to Florida (thinking this was the dream come true) Time would tell us that it was not.

I continued while I was there to start creating for me. Not for anyone but, me. I have been told my entire life that I need to pick one style, or try to fit into this mold, do this like they do and you will sell more. NOPE!!! I cannot, will not copy others, I will not just show that I can do one style. See God has blessed me to draw, paint, graphic design, sew, style spaces. Not only one style of these but, lots and lots. I am in no means bragging because see I have no ego either.

Rare to meet an artist that has no ego and not cocky with self esteem. So I am learning now at this time in my life that yes, I have anxiety and it is a big deal to face daily. I also know that I am not listening to those trying to hold me back. I am taking bigger risks, facing bigger fears no matter how much it is scary.

I am sending all sorts of my styles of artwork (very soon) into the world. I am determined to make a difference with my art! It matters to me that I succeed wildly. See I know what it is like to go to the very bottom and with help from others stand up again.

I am standing, I am walking along the rivers edge praying for the manifesting of my dreams. I am also working day and night to create this life.

I want others to know that my life is not easy. I wake up each day and pour more love on me and practice all of the words you see me right. The old bad habits fall away and new ones replace them.

Just like you I have big stuff that I must juggle with. I am only showing up real, honest and hoping to help.

Loving more.
