17 March 2017

Seeing myself through others eyes. Grateful.

me 2017

I have been working on some really big projects that will put me out into this big world. I am creating like crazy. I am doing it! I am going for it! I am not listening to any internal voices that shine doubt on me or my art! NOPE! Done with that crap! I am pushing through any self doubt or fears. This is my year to SHINE like I know that I was meant to.

I know that I have needed to ask a few friends, clients, people I admire so very much for testimonials on ME. What a hard thing for me to do ~ ask for help. I am great at helping but, asking wow there was a great deal of fear around this for me. I did it anyway. I asked.

This is one of the testimonials I received. I was so set back by his words, I read and read again. Then I looked in the mirror and thought - wow am I blessed. Crazy blessed to be this beloved.

Reading this still chokes me up. I am grateful to see myself through a few others eyes.

Testimonial by Jeff Arundel.

"I first met Kelli when a group gathered to help a friend of ours who had cancer - we were putting
on a fund-raiser, and various things were needed, including invitations and other design stuff.
Kelli (who was helping even though she didn’t even really know the person) passed out some
mock-ups. Being kind-of snobby when it comes to design, I was prepared to see some typical work
that had been pasted together, but when the designs made their way around the table to me, I saw
some of the most breath-taking, detailed, handcrafted work I had ever come across! My head
snapped up and I peered down the table, wondering ”who is this Kelli May”? At the other end sat
a tiny blonde, shyly offering her lovely work to the room (and helping a person she didn’t really know).

Once you get to know Kelli, the breadth of her talent can dumbfound you. With me, she has designed
a comprehensive line of kids clothing, hand-drawn various record jackets, painted, toted our her
sewing machine and sewn draperies and cushions, and in general brought the world-class twinkle of
natural greatness to everything she has worked on. And besides that, she paints in a signature style,
and writes, and dresses using vintage stuff. I know, it sounds like I’m making it up, but I’m not.
Kelli is a tiny Whirling Dervish of creativity, and she is gathering momentum as she careens forward
into new creations. How could one little person be so good at so much?”
~ Jeff Arundel    jeffarundel.com

Seriously, how lucky am I. The path to believing in yourself is out there. Seek it! Follow it and never ever give up!!!



  1. Replies
    1. thanks love bug. i was blown away. love to you.

  2. Very beautiful indeed!

  3. Wow!! Zowwwzzaa!!! You're a clothing designer too?? How awesome are you!!! You should post some of your clothing designs. It would be fun to see.
