31 October 2012

Pure Pearl Button.

Little Pearl Button resting after a long day of creating in the studio.

Pearl Buttons mom Mary. Yes, she is this beautiful and loves crowns.
Happy November 1st. Time to get the many lines of Pearl Button going strong. Believing in myself is the key to this one folks. Believe all that I know deep inside. The tiny faces of pups make me feel how true this Pearl Button life can be.

I have created over 30 Pearl Button cards and have not marketed. Hum. So starting today Pearl Button is marching forward each new day. Starting today with holiday cards. Okay just a few to start and get them out there to share joy, smiles and hopeful loving sweet messages.

Pure Pearl Button. Believing and marching forward. Thanks Mary and Cobalt for the most beautiful muse and daughter.

Here we go!


Back to blog land I am.

Well I am back into the world of blogging. Not sure how so much time passes and how it takes me around a few turns to get back to my blogging. I am thinking since tomorrow starts a new month I need to start a new me. So here I go. Not sure who I am reaching but, my intentions are this = to add positive energy out into the world, to be grateful for all of my talents and life, to create and share and hope to inspire.

Happy Halloween!!!

Here's to staying in blog land for a good long while this time.